In case you weren’t aware, over a few months ago it was announced that Neill Blomkamp ( District 9 ) was helming MGM’s new Robocop reboot of sorts. This installment would ignore the 2014 remake that failed to make a big splash with audiences and be more of a throwback to the 1987 original blockbuster, and also serve as a direct suteo-sequel to the original film . . 

What we absolutely do know for sure ( Unless things change ) is that Mr. Neill Blomkamp will be directing, Peter Weller ‘himself’ is actually returning as Robocop in some capacity and that the film will be a ‘R’ rated sequel, that doesn’t spare on the ‘R’, as we have been told. This sequel film will in fact be the original concept sequel to the 87 film that was scrapped in place of what we got in 1990. 


                      Possible Spoiler Alert from Here on Out

What you haven’t been told . . Is that in this sequel, Robocop will in fact be facing off against a new cyborg crimeboss that has other cyborg enhanced people and robotic machines at his disposal. The name of this crimeboss is unimportant as I’m told that it’s due to change from the original script. This insider information comes too Cinemazone from a pretty solid source, but just as everything can be altered in the making of a film ( Take it with a grain of salt for right now ).

So does this new info sound good to you guys or give you less confidence in the upcoming sequel. Rest assure Cinemazone will be on top of it, if anything changes or as more comes out about the upcoming production . . . 

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