Obi-Wan Kenobi To Appear In Star Wars: Rouge One & Beyond?


According to the good folks down at “Schmoes Knows” ( who are said to have legitimate contacts at Disney Studio’s ) a new rumor has very recently surfaced claiming that none other than big time star, Mr. Ewan McGregor, who played our favorite Jedi Knight –  Obi-Wan Ben Kenobi in the prequel adventures, will in fact be reprising his role and have a small cameo in the upcoming Gareth Edwards Anthology story, Star Wars: Rouge One, coming to a theater near you next Christmas . .

One of the big reasons behind this sudden interest & major push in the character is that the studio definitely has big plans in store for the famous Jedi, mapping out an entire set of Anthology movies in the years to come, as well as whatever plans they might have for old Ben in the new Sequel Trilogy. But of course one should keep in mind that these are all still rumors, as not much official news is being released from the studio.


So could this in fact be true you say? Well, given the new film’s settings, it does make very good sense, given the particular Star Wars timeline is perfect to introduce the character again to audience’s. It would also tie in quite well if Kenobi does indeed have some kinda role or cameo in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VIII.

The director of Rouge One, Gareth Edwards has said that the film will be grounded and gritty, dealing more with rebels and troopers than a Jedi or Sith movie. Neither the less, a small cameo in some fashion does not sound out of the picture. Thankfully for fans, we don’t have to wait too long for those answers, as Rouge One comes out in less than a year. So time will certainly tell if this piece of rumor mill info proves to be true . . .

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3 responses to “Obi-Wan Kenobi To Appear In Star Wars: Rouge One & Beyond?

  1. this and boba fett are the two side film I wanna see f*** han ad chewy s***!


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